If there is anything that women complain is the source of their lost libido – it’s stress and fatigue. It is difficult to enjoy sex when sleep seems so much more appealing. Fortunately, training in preventive medicine allows me to offer real solutions for eliminating sources of stress and curbing fatigue – giving women their energy back and revving their desire for sex once again.
Sleep would top the list of priorities – if you were to survey the group of doctors I work with, I venture that all of them would say that no patient is more grateful than those who experience a quality night’s sleep for the first time in many years. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 20 percent of adults feel too tired for sex. For women, one of the most common reasons for missing out on high quality sleep is due to the symptoms of hormone imbalance.
Click Here to Learn About Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms in Women
Often these nights of tossing and turning or waking at ungodly hours wide-eyed and annoyed can be remedied through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Women with too much estrogen and too little progesterone will suffer sleep loss, as well as women suffering from excess testosterone or supplementing adrenal extracts when they are not needed.
If your hormones are in-check, but sleep still eludes you, a sleep journal may help you pinpoint the reasons for your losses. Simply recording the number of hours you sleep and your mood and energy levels before you fall asleep and after you wake up, for a few weeks, can help you determine what habits are inhibiting your sleep cycle. For example, many individuals discover that alcohol before bedtime steals quality shut-eye, while other discover that adding some physical activity to their day helps them sleep like a baby.
Once you pinpoint your personal needs for quality sleep, you can develop a bedtime routine. I like to also give my patients these tips for creating an inviting sleep environment and maybe even incorporating some sexy time with your partner (once you are caught up on sleep.):
Once you achieve adequate sleep, you will begin to see improvements in your desire for sex. Maintain your bedroom as a haven for sleep and sex only – this will keep stress and energy-zapping feelings at the door.
The post A Good Night’s Sleep is Good for Your Libido appeared first on BodyLogicMD.
"At 44 I was tired of feeling tired. I wasn't sleeping through the night, waking up with the sweats and just not able to turn my brain off. During the day, I had no energy. The 3 pm slump would hit me like a ton of bricks everyday - no matter how well I had slept the night before. My libido was pretty much zilch and I was seriously moody. Worst of all, don't tell my husband the no libido wasn't the worst, I couldn't lose weight to save my life. After hearing about BodyLogicMD, I decided that something needed...Read More
"I was unable to find a provider who specializes in female hormones through my OBGYN – they just give you the pill which I didn’t want. And, my endocrinologist fell short in this area. Then I found BodyLogicMD of Atlanta and Dr. Karen Weldon. At my first appointment, the office staff was great, and Dr. Weldon was very thorough in reviewing my lab results. During the course of my treatment, Dr. Weldon has been very quick in responding to all my questions via email which is very convenient. I can write to her when an issue is happening and...Read More
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